
Have you ever had a conversation with someone where you felt like you were on to something? A thought that no one had ever considered before, that would revolutionize the world if they heard? Only to find out that the person you were talking to wasn’t at that level?
Me too. More times than I can count.
 It gets frustrating trying to show the world a different viewpoint. Because everyone is so steeped in how they’ve been shown the world works that they don’t see that one little thought process can change so much.

I was discussing language and how I don’t understand why it changes. What brings on the change? Why does it change? Who started it and why? Here’s an example….. Bae. What brought this on? Why did whoever started this think they needed to shorten babe or baby? Many use it, others laugh at it, but it is considered a common word now. Why?

“Word get changed over time. Or other terms get shortened.”

My response….. They should not.

Language is confusing enough without words changing. And it’s not like it changes itself,  people change it. This is like a person decides ‘I like the word The so I am going to name my child that.’ then you end up with a bunch of kids named The because other people (for some strange reason) thought it was a good name.

Okay I probably over exaggerated but I was making a point. Language should be like math. Math doesn’t change. People understand it….. Far better than language. And remember,  I hate math. But I also find that math doesn’t let me down. All my numbers add up the same way every time. Unlike with language where one day it could mean this… And the next something completely different.  Language should not be malleable.

I don’t care if it is…. The point that I was making is that it shouldn’t be. About this point in the conversation I stop trying to explain myself. It is obvious I’m the only one who gets it. And I’m the weirdo. So,  I hear, were Galileo and Einstein. I doubt I’ll ever reach their genius but they looked at things a different way too. All I’m asking is that people try….. Try to look at a situation, a thought, an emotion, in a different way. Maybe you’ll find something better. 


I keep writing posts that I don’t finish and don’t post. I really need to get them done but,  I’ve been busy being a mom, working, living life. 

In fact, this past weekend I went to New York city. I had a wonderful time seeing the sights and visiting friends. I strongly suggest visiting the 9/11 memorial. It is powerful and had me in tears but at the same time a now peaceful place where once there was massive destruction. I loved seeing the survivor tree and sharing with my friend that I learned they give a sapling from the survivor tree to 3 communities a year who suffer a major tragedy. That’s pretty cool. I also liked seeing the memorials in Central Park and battery park. History should not be forgotten. It’s why it bothers mee tearing down of the civil war statues. Sure I don’t agree with their beliefs but it’s a reminder not to make those mistakes. 

 And I may not be a Yankees fan but seeing Babe Ruth’s jersey and all the signed baseballs in the museum at the stadium was neat. 

I also attended my first ever Pride in Brooklyn. It was fascinating. Though I want to discuss a little altercation I saw. This man holding a Bible in the air and shouting hateful things at the people gathered there…. That is so wrong. The Bible I’ve read talks about love. You will reach more people with a few  words of love then with any number of hate. One of my friends and I discussed instead of sending hate back or arguing or listening to this drivel, surround them with love and silence. I would love to hear someone play Sound of Silence by Disturbed as they do this but, that is my sense of humor showing. 

Well, now that I feel accomplished for sharing thoughts, feelings, and a little of what I’ve been up to I’m going to sign off for now. Don’t worry I’ll pop back in again soon. Promise. 

My No Weight Loss Journey 

I’ve attempted periodically throughout the last few years to lose weight. I start off good, eating better and exercising….. Then I stop and gain all the weight I lost back. Since I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching lately I contemplated this. Why do I stop trying to lose weight? The answer I came up with is this…… Men.

I currently weigh 217 pounds and men hit on me even though I am not interested. I start losing weight and get hit on more so, subconsciously I start thinking weigh more equals less getting hit on. I truly want to be 130 pounds again…. I just don’t want men to think they have the right to hit on me like I look like I do because I want a man. I just want to be healthy and feel good about myself. 

I recently wrote a blog post called Guys, It’s Not Okay talking about how it’s not okay to assume that a girl is into a guy because she speaks to him. Well, it’s also not okay to think that girl is good looking in your eyes so therefore she wants to have sex with you. No. Girls look good because they want to look good. It helps them feel good about themselves. Powerful. Able to accomplish anything. 

This society has allowed men to objectify women. Women are seen as sexual beings when truth is…… It’s really men. I think men think waaay more about sex than the average woman does. Don’t get me wrong I like a good bout of sex but I learned from a bunch of males how to take almost anything and see it as something sexual. I hate to say it but it’s so much harder to go back to the innocent thought process after learning that than going back to white after black. 

Well, knowing this anyway,  why I stop trying to lose weight, I’m going to try again. Maybe I’ll succeed this time, maybe I won’t but, guys could help by not making the sexual comments that seem to spew out of their mouths without thought. 



Guys, It’s Not Okay 


Girls are not here just for sex. They are here for companionship. Girls don’t talk to you just because they are interested in sex. There is probably something about you that interests them but until they get to know you better to know that you are a decent guy it isn’t about sex. It’s not okay to think this way. It’s the whole reason things like rape happens…. In my opinion. Learn to be a companion first. That I believe is the point of dating. Not to get the girl into your bed. Date them. Get to really know them as a friend and companion before the intimacy. It will show her that you respect her and truly care for her. 

I hope to instill this thought process into my son, despite his father. I hope our future generations learn from ours. I hope that someday women are seen as the equals they really are to men. 

Companionship. Trust. Respect. Love. 


Today is my 35th birthday. I hate my birthdays. Once when I was young I probably looked forward to them but, as I got older my birthday started to be associated with bad things happening. This year seems no different. My car is broken, the truck I bought has an issue I’m trying to figure out and fix, because of those two problems I canceled plans to hang out with a friend tonight, my kids have been arguing and having tempers all day, and then I yelled at them for the arguing, yelling, and not doing their chores which resulted in my son pretty much telling me that I am no longer his parent. Yup great day. Maybe someday they’ll get better but I’ve lost all hope of that. 

I Love When People Think I’m Gullible

Yes, sure, you go right ahead and tell me all that bureaucratic bullshit. I’ll look you right in the eye and act like I believe you.   Deep inside my thoughts though, I know you are full of it.
It completely amuses me to listen to someone tell me that, ‘Oh I didn’t say that.’ I know you did because someone else heard you and told me but, go ahead, try and convince me that it wasn’t what you said. I Know the truth.

Today’s World

At the end of my spiel will be a bunch of links to various articles of what I am talking about.
Today’s world is a sad place…
Today’s world is a place that finds the commonplace extraordinary.
My friend, Crystal, has Mitochondrial Disease. It’s a genetic disorder that, well, even after reading about and hearing Crystal talk about, I can admit I still don’t understand. However, it causes a lot of health problems. Partly because of this and partly from an accident involving a distracted driver, Crystal is in a wheelchair.
So? Oh, my story does not end here. Despite everything Crystal deals with from her disorder she lives a normal life. She has a business (  and a family.

Now, I’m sure you are asking ‘just where the heck is she going with this?’  Just trust me….. You’ll get it in a minute… Keep reading.

Crystal shoveled snow.
This is an amazing story.
Holy cow a woman in a wheelchair shoveled snow.

Okay slight sarcasm there. I am proud of Crystal. Not because she’s in a wheelchair and does…. Well ‘normal’ people stuff (don’t get me started on normal), but because she looked out for her community. 
I still remember when neighbors knew each other and helped each other out. This is not ‘normal’ anymore. The world is all me, me, me. We are too lazy to go do it because someone else can or it’s someone else’s job.

Puh-lease. Get over yourselves. Get out of your house (mom’s basement) and go do something. Shovel snow. Get groceries for an elderly neighbor. Take a walk around the neighborhood and actually greet the neighbors you walk by (I’m not advising going door to door just as you are out and about) and get to know them. See what you can do to help. It will make a difference.

This shouldn’t be ‘viral’, ‘amazing’, or ‘shocking’. It should be commonplace and ordinary.  Let’s all be more like Crystal and consider our neighbors.

01.05.15 Longest Day So Far This Year

Woke up at 6:30 AM to get the Monsters off to school. Today was their first ski lesson and I didn’t have to pick them up from school. Made sure they had everything. Packed food for dinner. (yes, dinner not lunch, they get lunch at school and ski lessons go late).
Then after feeding the dogs, cats, chickens, ducks, goose, and pig, I transported a turtle I was caring for to my girlfriend’s (more on her later). I was concerned that even with the tank heater he’d freeze with the cold we are getting. I can’t keep the fire going while I’m at work. Another trip to the house to get the turtle stand. After that I made some Ramen, brought a car seat to a friend to borrow, and went to my sister-in-law’s to take a shower. Then to work. After work, talked with some of my coworkers for awhile then went home, started fire. Then back to sister-in-law’s to sleep before I have to get kids up for school. It’s currently 3 AM on 01.06.15 and now I’m going to bed.


So, what did I do today? I shopped. Lol got dinner for the kids for after their first ski lessons tomorrow, cat food, chicken food, and coal.
Then I renovated my chicken coop. (I loosely call it a chicken coop… It’s a large wooden crate my ‘husband’ brought home one day a couple years ago. I put down a couple pallets, put some plywood down, put the crate upside down on that, then covered one side with a piece of plywood and the top to cover the cracks.) Anyway, the renovation was to fit the new goose I’m now caring for. It fit the chickens and ducks Okay but the goose had an issue with ducking. Lol. So I cut part of the front door off widening the doorway height-wise and using a hair dryer I warmed up some of the piled up chicken/duck crap and cleaned it out. Now goose fits. Moved him/her in (not certain of gender).
Then I cleaned my hallway, hunted for ski clothes for the kids, watched a couple of movies and once it was dark enough wrangled some chickens.
I took in the chickens and goose from my neighbor who moved to town and couldn’t take them too.
Now off to keep the stove going and sleep a little before getting kids off to school tomorrow.


Today, I read for a while. (Takedown Twenty by Janet Evanovich. I love her Stephanie Plum series they can always make me laugh.) I also played some games (Solitaire, Bingo, and Monopoly). All in all I rested because I could. The monsters had ditched me for Grammie next door so I took advantage.
Tonight however I wake to a sound. I listened for a bit then peered out the window with a flashlight….. Wonderful… Snow (said with a large dose of sarcasm). So I got up…. Got the fire going and went out to shovel off my roof. During snowstorms I have to continuously do this as I live in a crappy mobile home and I worry that one day the roof will cave in.
Now I’m back in the house continuing work on the fire and writing today’s post 😉 Soon I’ll go to bed for a little bit before checking fire again and again. Tomorrow I’ll probably be busy shoveling and in between doing the fire, chores, and cleaning… Oh joys what fun.